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Enterprise Search FAQs

Enterprise Search FAQs

Below you will find a list of the most common questions we get asked about enterprise search. What is enterprise search? How is an enterprise search platform different from Google? Who can perform enterprise searches? Is enterprise search necessary? How do I determine...
Enterprise Search FAQs

Challenges of Enterprise Search

Enterprise search is a problem-solving tool. For companies contending with large quantities of data, documents, and other assets to find on intranets, it’s one of the most effective tools out there. Enterprise search tools have skyrocketed productivity and made it...
Enterprise Search FAQs

History of Enterprise Search

What’s the history of enterprise search and how does it affect business today? Large organizations can acquire vast amounts of data, documents, files, and more. This data could be generated and stored in many places, including on company PCs, in the cloud,...
Top 6 Reasons to Implement Enterprise Search

Top 6 Reasons to Implement Enterprise Search

“Information is the oxygen of the modern age.” – Ronald Reagan Organizations tend to have a huge variety of internal information that can be highly helpful to its employees. The toughest part is gaining access to this data in the right place and at...

What are search engines?

Search engines are tools that allow users to find information on the internet. The most popular search engine is Google, but many others are available, such as Bing and Yahoo. Search engines work by indexing websites and storing information about them to be easily...