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Top 6 Reasons to Implement Enterprise Search

by | Apr 26, 2024

Information is the oxygen of the modern age.” – Ronald Reagan

Organizations tend to have a huge variety of internal information that can be highly helpful to its employees. The toughest part is gaining access to this data in the right place and at the right time.

More often than not, companies do a good job optimizing data management to make information easier to find. However, when employees need specific information, they end up searching each app or database separately.

That’s where enterprise search comes in. Let us take a closer look at the main benefits of enterprise search and its effect on the bottom line.

Enterprise search is a solution that helps employees discover data from one or several sources inside an organization. These sources can include databases, e-mail servers, websites, spreadsheets, document management systems, and more.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) turn enterprise search engines into a highly effective solution for companies of all sizes.

Yes, enterprise search isn’t just for enterprises. Small businesses can take full advantage of this tool to browse the knowledge base.  

1. Boost productivity.

Whether an employee needs to look up office holidays or find out who is responsible for disaster recovery plans, a slow search can be frustrating. When they need to go through huge piles of information to find the right answer, or worse, distract others from their tasks, productivity suffers.

The cost of lost knowledge and productivity gaps is usually high. By adopting enterprise search, it’s possible to eliminate time-consuming manual searches and help employees focus on their core tasks.

Studies show that 35%-50% of information within any given company isn’t centrally indexed. Central access to all digital data within the organization coupled with an efficient way to search it boosts employee productivity tremendously.

Just like with Google, the goal of a search tool is to be simple, quick, and productive. Capacity’s AI-powered enterprise search solution is tailored to simplify, enhance, and speed up access to your company’s resources regardless of the apps you are using.

2. Help knowledge workers.

Knowledge workers spend 19% of their time searching for information they need to get the job done. That’s about 8-9 hours per week. When these employees can’t find the necessary information quickly, especially when they are responsible for key projects, time is wasted, business opportunities are lost, and profitability suffers.

By implementing comprehensive enterprise search solutions, you help knowledge workers do their job quicker, thus improving the company’s bottom line.  

Capacity’s helpdesk solutions are aimed at giving knowledge workers the tools they need to succeed. Armed with natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, the solution can decipher casual terminology and discover answers within seconds.

3. Improve decision-making.

Less than 20% of organizations believe that they excel in decision-making. The majority agrees that speed is even a bigger challenge than quality.

Decision-makers require quick access to a variety of data in real-time. The ability to scan the organization’s knowledge base and various apps give them the power to make timely decisions.

Without an enterprise search solution, decision-making requires a team of employees to collect and organize relevant data. The delay can affect the efficiency of a time-sensitive decision.

Implementing an enterprise search solution makes it possible to speed up the decision-making process while improving its quality.

4. Streamline confidentiality.

Many companies struggle with the problem of employees unintentionally revealing confidential information. From employee details to trade secrets, data from company documents can be sensitive.  

Employees often get access to classified information accidentally. Some mistakenly get access at a folder level instead of a document level. Others mistakenly discover old document repositories that haven’t been checked in a while.

With an enterprise search solution, it’s possible to control how employees access the information to make sure confidential data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Capacity’s user permission system allows you to choose who gets access to which information within the organization. This streamlines enterprise search and keeps data safe.

5. Enhance onboarding.

Regardless of the company’s size, onboarding can be time-consuming.  About 58% of organizations say their onboarding program is focused on processes and paperwork. This keeps the efficiency at low levels.

Giving new employees easy access to the information in the digital workspace makes it possible to improve the onboarding process. This, in turn, can improve satisfaction levels and keep retention rates high.

With Capacity’s helpdesk, new employees won’t just get access to training materials and company policies. With the Expert Finder solution, they can learn who knows what within the organization to get answers to their questions faster.

6. Assist customers.

With customer experience being the core focus of the majority of companies, implementing an additional tool to enhance it is an excellent decision. Besides giving your employees access to the necessary information, you can turn the tool outward to help your customers.

Customer-facing enterprise search helps move leads through the sales funnel quicker while keeping them on your website longer. The tool can also help you build a “help” database to address frequently asked questions.

With the assistance of support automation solutions like an AI-powered chatbot, you can streamline the customer experience, speed up the buyer’s journey, and turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Implementing enterprise search with Capacity.

Within any organization, information is king. While you may have a huge variety of useful data, a lack of search options renders it useless. Enterprise search solutions make it easy for your workforce to find the data it needs without slowing down the entire work process.

Among the key benefits of enterprise search are better productivity, enhanced onboarding, higher employee satisfaction, and improved profitability.

At Capacity, we focus on helping our clients succeed. With our enterprise search tool and related solutions, you can improve your company’s bottom line while securing its position as an industry leader.