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Simplify Employee Onboarding

Create a consistent welcome experience by automating employee onboarding.

abstract illustration of the Capacity knowledge base
a customer asking the capacity knowledge sharing platform how they can get a new health insurance card

Free up your HR team

Onboarding new employees requires HR teams to spend countless hours on repetitive tasks. Automation can provide them with more capacity.

Deliver employee resources with ease.

Every new employee needs benefits, policies and tech and their fingertips. With Capacity, they can easily access resources and ask as many questions as they want, all within your team’s platform of choice.

an abstract illustration of an employee asking the capacity knowledge sharing platform a customer support related question
a customer asking the capacity knowledge sharing platform a question it can't answer, then sending the unanswered question to copilot console

Automate for consistency.

An employee’s onboarding experience shouldn’t depend on the HR person delivering it. Automation ensures consistent, on-brand message and materials delivery.


Ready to automate onboarding? Sign up for a demo below to see Capacity’s technology in action.