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How many employees can access my system?

You can control how many employees can access your system. When setting up your enterprise search platform, you should not only verify your current employee count, but also figure out planned growth over the next five to 10 years. Further, determine which employees...

Are there any known limitations?

Like many tools, the quality of the final product depends on the way it was setup and how well the process was mapped out in the first place. If your data isn’t mapped correctly, the metadata isn’t tagged right, or there’s a connection issue with one of your silos,...

How many years of data can be retrieved?

Make it a point to define how many years of data your enterprise search engine should retrieve. For example, if you typically store records for seven years for tax compliance, then you might define the years based on that specific number. On the other hand, if you...

What is a data silo?

Each separate area, where your internal or external data is stored, is referred to as a data silo. As mentioned above, this can encompass different systems like your CMS, accounting system, and contracts, as well as the Internet itself. Each of these needs to be...