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What are examples of enterprise search?

If content can’t be accessed, it is no longer useful. Enterprise search is the ability to pull up relevant information within the associated company’s stores of data. And, an example would be relevant results that are submitted in any format whether it is...

What are the features of enterprise search?

One feature should be scalability, or the ability of the platform to continue to produce relevant results despite growing data sources. Another crucial feature is data security. And, semantic search helps by understanding the meaning of a search term.

What are a few enterprise search best practices?

One best practice would be to ensure your enterprise search will populate with relevant search results. It should also be tailored to the needs of the end users. And, the platform should connect seamlessly with your data sources.

What is the enterprise search architecture?

It depends on the platform you use, but it often includes a security layer and appliances for text mining and auto-classification. Further, there is an appliance for the user interface (AI) and even user permissions.

Can you use enterprise search to look for jobs?

An organization can decide whether they want to create a personalized search experience that delivers results relevant to the company and employees. This may or may not include an internal job search. On the other hand, the company may already have an HR portal with a...