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How to Drive Revenue from Contact Centers with Proactive Campaigns

by | Jul 24, 2024

Contact Centers have long been at the heart of customer experience. Most are commonly thought of as retention drivers – it takes 12 positive experiences to repair the damage caused by a single unresolved negative one after all. Increasingly organizations are doing more and driving revenue from Contact Centers.

But how? AI and automation can optimize customer experiences and empower teams to identify missed opportunities and close more deals. It’s all about making the experience more automatic and proactive.

Optimize the Customer Experience with Workflows and Automations

It’s incredibly difficult to deliver consistent and excellent customer experiences when processes are manual in your Contact Center. There’s too much room for error and countless missed opportunities. Workflows and automations can make the most of the experience for everyone. 

Think about it this way: how can your agents possibly think about upselling and cross-selling when they’re barely keeping their heads above water on issue resolution? 

Workflows and automations can reduce the workload of your human agents, and you can save them days or even weeks of time over a year’s time frame. Those weeks can be used for higher-level tasks or even to participate in upskilling programs designed by your company to help them learn how to sell.

With your team freed up and opportunities elevated, you can build programs to drive revenue from your Contact Center with outbound campaigns. 

Proactive Campaigns to Drive Revenue from Contact Centers

With direct access to customers and a wealth of data available at your fingertips, it’s easy to see how businesses can generate revenue from Contact Centers. An improved customer experience is where to start. In fact, McKinsey research reveals that improving the customer experience has increased sales revenues by 2 to 7 percent and profitability by 1 to 2 percent.

That revenue potential means Contact Centers should be investing in technology and training that will help unlock potential. The right tools can help every agent deliver the best customer experience and identify new opportunities. 

The possibilities are nearly endless, but at Capacity, we see a few common channel engagement strategies work particularly well. 

Phone: Arm your agents with robust customer insights to identify up and cross-sell opportunities. Capacity’s industry-leading analytics provide your team with valuable data about customer preferences that elevate the overall experience for everyone. 

Text: Why wait for the customer to come to you? Capacity’s text platform marries marketing and support, enabling your team to proactively and efficiently reach large audiences via text, and all in the same platform your team uses for support. 

Social Media: Stay top-of-mind with customers with a social media retargeting campaign. This allows your team to wisely spend social media dollars on targets who are already engaged with your company. 

Your team may only be at the beginning of your Contact Center transformation journey, but with tools like Capacity, you can create better, more connected customer experiences and drive revenue from Contact Centers.

The Future of AI for Contact Centers


  • The different types of AI
  • A framework for applying support automation
  • Tips for choosing solutions