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The Benefits of a Help Desk Ticketing System to Boost Customer Service Efficiency

by | Jun 5, 2024

Customer service reps are at high risk for burnout, which has industry-wide repercussions. Call centers already face high turnover rates and increased agent attrition. Burnout is an increasingly prevalent and tough issue for both contact center leaders and their teams.

Image showing a statistic of contact center agent burnout.

You can imagine some of the causes of burnout:

  • Customer service reps spend hours daily addressing problems and dealing with frustrated customers.
  • Support reps are often under pressure to reach out-of-reach goals and performance metrics.
  • Support reps are generally undervalued and underpaid.
  • The queue of incoming needs is endless.

Customer service teams have long grappled with the challenge of providing efficient service. It’s especially tricky for teams that are stuck using traditional methods of communication with customers, such as phone calls or email. Both channels can be labor-intensive and time-consuming for both customers and service agents.

illustration of capacity offering a user the choice of "yes" or "no" to the question "would you recommend this product to a friend" as well as a response from capacity saying "great, how would you rate your overall experience with us today" and then four stars out of five selected

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Plus, without a centralized system to see issues and resolutions, it is difficult for customer service teams to track success. This leads to longer response times and an overall decrease in productivity. Many companies are making a shift. It’s time to get on board.

To overcome these pain points, turn to an automated help desk ticketing system. Boost efficiency and streamline your help desk processes.

What is an automated help desk ticketing system?

First: what even is an automated help desk ticketing system? A help desk ticketing system is a software-based solution that helps companies streamline their customer service operations. It allows customer service agents to submit, track, and manage customer requests via a centralized platform. They can then respond to requests more efficiently.

Image explaining the definition of help desk ticketing system.

Ticketing systems handle mundane tasks that typically fall on an agent’s plate for you, such as categorizing customer questions, setting priority levels, and assigning requests. With the help of AI chatbots, some ticketing systems can even handle simple customer requests. An AI bot provides self-service articles to customers or answers queries with information and data existing in the company knowledge base. This then frees customer service agents to focus on more critical or complex tasks.

The result? More customers get helped faster, driving customer satisfaction and engagement. Sounds great, right? Let’s dig into those benefits a bit more now.

4 Primary Benefits of a Help Desk Ticketing System

Image showing the benefits of a help desk ticketing system.

Benefit #1: Improved response times

Today, lack of speed is among the highest frustrations with customer service. We’ve all been there. You’ve already spent an hour listening to holding music, and you still need to get help. For many customers, that one bad experience is enough to drive away future business. 

But, one of the most significant benefits of a help desk ticketing system is that it can drive the speed of service. Ticketing systems make service fast and easy for customers, so reaching out for help feels less like a hassle. It moves all your customers’ requests into one centralized location and organizes them by topic, priority, and more. This way, your team can work through customer requests with more focus and speed.

And, with templated and automated responses, your customer service team gets customers the answers they need with less back-and-forth. Then, if you add AI to your ticketing systems, you can let your chatbot answer simple questions for you. Your agents can then tackle more complicated customer issues that need hands-on help.

Benefit #2: Increased visibility

Automated help desk ticketing systems provide service agents with a centralized platform to track, monitor, and manage all incoming customer inquiries in one place. If a team member needs help progressing with the ticket, you can uncover those areas that need more training to create an even smoother workflow in the future. Provide better support to your employees by keeping agents accountable for their work each step of the way.

Then, with built-in tracking and reporting, narrow down bottlenecks in the service department. This way, you can keep improving service levels over time. Creating ticket prioritization and categorization rules can help your team manage requests by importance and difficulty level rather than when they come in. This way, you can streamline workflows and get customers help faster.

Benefit #3: Reduced labor costs

By automating mundane tasks, an automated help desk ticketing system reduces the need for manual labor. Over time, you’ll experience dramatic cost savings as a result. Remember that rising burnout and turnover rate? With fewer mundane tasks and better performance, you’ll experience a boost in team morale.

Agents won’t be wasting valuable time and talent on tedious low-talent tasks that could be automated. Instead, they can pour energy and resources into their development. With higher morale, lower your absenteeism and turnover for better employee retention. And with better retention, you’ll save on labor costs.

Benefit #4: Overall better CSAT

According to Forrester, customer service agents who work with AI have experienced a 69% improvement in satisfaction. Why? Because with AI and automation, you can help more customers faster. Over time, this will help overall customer satisfaction, driving business your way.

For real! Businesses that offer delightful customer experiences drive revenues 4% to 8% higher than their competitors. This boost in revenue is because 52% of customers note that they will make an additional purchase from a company after a positive customer service experience.

Ultimately, an automated help desk allows businesses to drive more sales. Offer delightful experiences to your customers—all without burning out their agents or breaking the bank.

illustration of capacity offering a user the choice of "yes" or "no" to the question "would you recommend this product to a friend" as well as a response from capacity saying "great, how would you rate your overall experience with us today" and then four stars out of five selected

Get Started with AI

Capacity’s customized AI Assessments can help:

  • Identify opportunities for using AI
  • Prioritize use cases that fit your goals
  • Build an action plan for implementation

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