Knowledge Management is what keeps everyone in the loop and helps companies avoid productivity slowdowns. During this age of COVID-19, and with many working remotely now, Knowledge Management (KM) is more important than ever. It helps bring people, process, content, and technology together.
How does knowledge management work in today’s workplace?
Everyone at your company needs a variety of knowledge to succeed in their jobs. Where they find this information in a hurry is the biggest hurdle. For years, finding information to solve a problem often meant using data silos, hence taking considerably more time to use.
When employees have to dig through multiple sources to find one piece of data, productivity really does come to a screeching halt. Knowledge management platforms allow employees to receive instant access to answers to all of their questions, 24/7.
Employees utilize many apps during a typical workday. It’s critical that your knowledge management platform integrates with all of your apps. Finding a platform that does this will benefit your company for years to come thanks to the immense time savings.
What kind of platform allows this to happen? At Capacity, we’ve made it easy to integrate your business apps thanks to some specific technologies like machine learning.
The more app integration, the better.
Using Capacity, you can integrate with more than 50 different business apps. For example, you can integrate with necessary software like Surefire CRM, Zendesk, Gmail, and Salesforce.
You can easily access Capacity through a team collaboration tool such as Slack or Teams, two of the most commonly used business apps today. Being able to access our platform through Slack alone will help you keep in touch with everyone from every department, including those at home. Since you can also divide up Slack into topics, projects, and teams, this kind of integration always keeps everyone connected.
Accessing Capacity through Microsoft Teams is just as useful. The Capacity platform offers additional benefits that Slack or Teams alone do not offer. If your company does not use Slack or Teams, you can access Capacity directly through the Capacity CoPilot Console.
Access all of a company’s knowledge.
No doubt your own company is filled to the brim with data, offering knowledge to anyone who may need it. Dispensing that knowledge can be challenging. Capacity’s easy integration with Slack and Teams makes access to knowledge easier than ever.
The combination of these platforms allows anyone to access information in seconds using a variety of different functions. At its core is the ability to retrieve knowledge about any topic via using simple questions.
You can also call up any kind of file stored in iCloud in seconds with this integration system. And, most technologically advanced is the ability to use natural language to access any app integrating with Capacity.
Bring a solid knowledge base with artificial intelligence.
Capacity continues to advance the role of automation and artificial intelligence into our platform. As such, it makes us a major leader now in providing companies more advanced ways to create a streamlined knowledge base.
Through the process of machine learning, a chatbot helps answer questions for those who need answers in seconds rather than hours or days. What this means is placing less of a burden on your support staff who have to impart knowledge every day to employees and customers.
Employing a chatbot means anyone can type in a question and get an accurate answer. Machine learning and AI work in tandem where the former makes the latter “smarter” based on chat experiences.
AI bots are also able to tap into the vast knowledge base you likely already have. Like a giant human brain, it offers the chance to call up data when it’s needed, leading to more productive collaborations along the way.
How can you improve team collaboration?
Offering knowledge among your employees with just a few keystrokes wasn’t possible ten years ago. The advent and evolution of AI now make it possible without having to overwork support staff.
During this journey of scalable knowledge, you can now collaborate in new ways. Doing so also helps increase ROI for your company. Speeding up your collaborative projects to get ahead of competitors only works exponentially to your advantage.
You can do this by organizing knowledge through folders, dialogues, or exchanges among your collaborators. Universal drag and drop is another feature that helps better organize information. Access permissions for different tasks help prevent any security issues.
Employee autonomy.
From the perspective of your employees, they may prefer having more autonomy in their jobs while finding knowledge. They may prefer being able to answer pertinent questions without asking your support staff for help.
Using tools like Capacity’s Guided Conversations, they can find any information on their own time without bothering anyone. As an onboarding tool, this is also ideal when you have new hires coming in who need training.
Letting employees essentially choose their own path changes collaboration for the better. From a creative standpoint, allowing employees to do their own work without being bogged down with questions gives them more job satisfaction.
Through the CoPilot feature, customized conversations are easy to create as a partial solution to training and the ultimate autonomy.
Why tacit knowledge also makes collaboration better.
The tacit knowledge of your own team is just as important as the knowledge already stored away. If an employee with specialized industry knowledge has something they want to share, they can easily store it into Capacity. Once it’s stored, it’s there to tap into for the next employee who may take the previous person’s role. All of this information is processed through either automated data finding or through an AI-powered chatbot.