Most of us can’t fully appreciate how drastically the working environment has changed over the decades since the Industrial Revolution. Certainly, we can discuss these topics with friends and relatives, but they also seem quite archaic. For instance, the traditional hierarchical model is certainly going the way of the dinosaur. There was a time when you had to dress your best and make an appointment far in advance to speak with a company executive. And, on top of that, you really couldn’t expect much feedback. Today, the working environment has a much more flattened structure where anyone can speak with anyone else regardless of their place on the corporate ladder.
Another way the workplace has evolved can be seen in the way hours are structured. The phrase “9-to-5” is becoming more of a denigrated cliche than the industry standard. Today, many companies offer flexible working hours, as our connected devices allow us to work from anywhere, at any time.

In terms of the future of work, shared information will be a key component. In the past, data was held only by the management. Today, the most successful companies understand how important it is for employees to be collaborative in their approach to sharing ideas. Society has changed as well, as social media has made it the norm for most of us to share daily tidbits about our personal lives anyway.
Let’s not forget the impact of cloud computing, either. It’s enabling us to work from anywhere and to access company files from anywhere. This type of innovation will only continue to get faster and more efficient. Companies are learning to unleash their workforce for greater returns in productivity, work-life balance, job satisfaction, and employee retention.