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Team Member Shout Out: Capacity Mom Edition

by | May 7, 2021

In preparation for Mother’s Day, we called out the moms at Capacity and asked them a few questions. While not every mom on our team is featured in this blog, we know that all of the mothers on our team are superheroes in their unique ways—and these answers prove it. 

What is the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?

When it comes to being a mom (or parent in general), parenting advice comes in all forms. When asked what is the best parenting advice they have ever received, the moms at Capacity shared the knowledge that has helped them be the great mothers they are. 

“Trust your gut,” said Jennifer Buchanan, Sales Operations Administrator. “Do what you think is best for you, your child, and your circumstances and don’t second guess yourself.”

Along the same lines, Krystal Diel, Director of Revenue Operations, warns against paying attention to the baby blogs, especially as a new parent. “Everyone has an opinion, and it can drive a new mom crazy trying to do everything “right,” so pay attention to your motherly instincts, and you will do fine,” she explained. 

Gina Kelley, Global Co-Pilot, shared a tidbit that she picked up along the way, “As a parent, you should try to be a gardener, not a carpenter, which means to sprinkle lots of seeds of opportunity and let your kids grow into who they are meant to be, rather than carving them into something you think they should be.”

“As a parent, you should try to be a gardener, not a carpenter, which means to sprinkle lots of seeds of opportunity and let your kids grow into who they are meant to be, rather than carving them into something you think they should be.”

Gina Kelley, Gina Kelley, Global Co-Pilot,

“Babies cry,” warned Bre Evans, Controller. She said that she uses this as a good reminder not to take crying personally. On a more practical note, Kate Bell, Talent Acquisition Manager, advises against warming up a bottle…ever. 

Jennifer Sabin, Director of Content Marketing, shared an oldie, but a goodie. “It takes a village to raise a child.”

What does being a mom mean to you?

Being a mom runs the gamut, and can’t simply be described in one way. For Krystal, being a mom means, getting to watch my girls grow and helping them be the people that they were created to be. I hope they learn who they are and how they operate in this world to their fullest capability early in life.”

“Being a mom means being a teacher, coach, cheerleader, personal chef, housekeeper, referee, nurse, therapist, chauffeur, and more,” explained Jennifer Sabin. “But, most importantly, it means loving unconditionally, leading by example, and supporting someone else’s hopes and dreams.”

“Being a mom means being a teacher, coach, cheerleader, personal chef, housekeeper, referee, nurse, therapist, chauffeur, and more. But, most importantly, it means loving unconditionally, leading by example, and supporting someone else’s hopes and dreams.”

Jennifer Sabin, Director of Content Marketing

Jennifer Buchanan summed up being a mom with one simple and meaningful word, “Everything.” 

What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

Being a mother comes with beautiful experiences that last a lifetime, and we thoroughly enjoyed hearing the small yet special moments that bring these women joy. 

“My favorite thing about being a mom is the special bond I share with my daughters,” shared Jennifer Sabin. “We lift each other up, celebrate each other, and support each other no matter what.”

“Watching my girls observe the world for the first time,” said Krystal. “It is so cool to see them notice things for the first time.” She also added that this experience helps her appreciate the world around her. 

“No stage of childhood is easy and helping my child navigate the world as they continue to get older gives me so much joy,” explained Jennifer Buchanan. “It’s great watching my child grow, learn, and become more and more independent.”

“No stage of childhood is easy and helping my child navigate the world as they continue to get older gives me so much joy.”

Jennifer Buchanan, Sales Operations Administrator.

“I laugh so incredibly hard almost every day and on top of that, I have gotten to see my husband become an awesome dad,” shared Kate. “It is just so fun, my life is so full.” She also mentioned the perks and enjoyment of coffee. 

“I love hearing their opinions and what they think of things, watching their personalities and differences evolve, and learning more about who they are,” said Gina.

“I LOVE when my toddler laughs a big belly laugh.” shared Bre. “When something cracks him up, I start laughing, and then we’re both laughing hard—it’s the best.”

What is your best mom saying?

Moms have great advice and even better experiences that they can share, but the off-the-handle remarks are really what takes the cake. Though some of these might have to do more with the kids than the moms, a great mom saying is priceless! 

For Gina, she rallies her kids into cleaning with a battle cry of, “Ten-minute tidy!” “My kids roll their eyes, but if we work together it seems like we can get anything cleaned up in 10 quick minutes,” she explained. 

Krystal shared a remark that can be heard across the world: “In a minute.” “The girls always request something as soon as I sit down or start a task therefore, I say this constantly,” shared Krystal. 

Jennifer Sabin shared two sayings that both have a lot to do with the wacky Missouri weather. “Shorts? It’s still winter!” and “Don’t forget your coat!”

Bre’s mom saying is not one she says to her child, but it still counts. “I hear myself say ‘it takes a village’ frequently,” explained Bre. “It’s so much easier to parent when you have helping hands from friends and extended family.”

Kate kept it simple with four words that we probably have all heard once before: “PUT YOUR SHOES AWAY!” 

Acknowledging all mothers.

We understand that Mother’s Day isn’t a happy time of year for everyone, so we’re sending warm thoughts to every person who has lost a mother, every mother who has lost a child, and all who are struggling with infertility. For those experiencing grief, we know that there are no right words. If you’re looking for ways to cope with the grief or support on this day, take a look at this helpful article full of ideas and resources