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Promoting From Within: Dylan Williams

by | Jan 19, 2021

With a new year, comes new possibilities! For Dylan Williams, his new possibilities have started with a much-earned promotion. Dylan started working at Capacity back in May 2019 as a Software Engineer and he was recently promoted to the Apps Development Team Lead. 

To congratulate him and celebrate his accomplishments, we asked Dylan a few questions that highlight his experience and future goals as a team lead. Keep reading to learn more! 

Congratulations on your new role as an Application Development Team Lead! How would you summarize your new responsibilities?

As Team Lead, it’s my responsibility to ensure that my team keeps moving. For example, new features and product improvements must continue moving from initial development and into our clients’ daily lives. And, other teams at Capacity need to keep moving, so they don’t feel blocked by the Apps Team. Most importantly, I want to make sure my team members keep improving and growing in their own careers as software engineers.

What is a project that you’re most proud of in your last role as a Senior Software Engineer II? Why?

I’m most proud of the work I created for the groundwork of our new helpdesk application. That was a project that I immediately saw the value and potential in and I’m thankful for the previous Apps Team Lead, Bas Slats, for giving me as much autonomy as he did while developing it. With a strong foundation and excellent improvements from the rest of the team, I think our helpdesk application is one of our most robust applications. 

What are you most excited about in your new role?

I’m most excited about taking on the problem-solving mindset required of software engineering and seeing how it can (and can’t!) be applied to the team as a whole. In software engineering, we talk a lot about “abstraction.” When a similar problem occurs again and again, but with slight differences that prevent a single specific solution, we create abstractions to generalize the problem and solve it at a higher level. Moving from a software engineer to a team lead is like a layer of abstraction, which enables more general solutions to tackle many specific problems.

What’s the next big goal that you plan to achieve in 2021 (inside or outside of work)?

One of my goals for 2021 is to read through the huge stack of books I was gifted for Christmas. I’m hoping I can make it through them all by next Christmas, but we’ll see. 

Capacity is proud to promote our team members to the next level in their careers and we look forward to seeing everything that Dylan does on the Apps Team as the new team lead!