The future of mortgage servicing and loss mitigation is here.
An AI-powered intuitive, frictionless solution.

Let us guide you through the benefits of Capacity.

Online helpdesk for mortgagors and borrowers
Mortgagors have questions about forbearance and default management. Capacity offers automated solutions for loan forbearance, loss mitigation, and default management.

Internal contact for single point of contact team
Capacity serves as an internal helpdesk for a single point of contact team, and provides FAQs and an online help desk for mortgagors.

API Developer Platform for each connectivity
Capacity connects to 3rd party services and technology solutions and provides internal customer service automation.

Up-to-date 24/7 support.

Your documents are waiting
An average loan will have hundreds of documents changing hands and those documents will be coming from all sorts of sources—from a Loan Origination Software like Encompass, documents and handouts that live in your cloud drive, or attachments that someone sent via email. Capacity can connect to every source so that the knowledge you need is always on hand.
Trusted, verified, up-to-date.
Most knowledge bases get old, fast. With the help of state-of-the-art AI, Capacity ensures that the intelligence in your knowledge base stays fresh. With feedback, human-in-the-loop assistance and verification systems, you can rest easy knowing that the answer you’re getting is correct.
Learn More about Capacity
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