Capacity places your inventory at your fingertips.
Your company never felt so small.

Groups, groups, and more groups.
With Capacity’s Groups feature, you can decide which teams have access to specific knowledge based on their job focus, expertise, department, geolocation—you name it.

Organize your organization
You have offices all over the country, or the world. Those offices have slightly different policies and information that various teams need to know. Keep it all organized, painlessly.

Made for the enterprise
You can rest easy knowing that everyone in your organization is getting the right answers to their questions. Whether your company is 100 or 100,000 strong, Capacity can handle it.

All your products, at your fingertips.

Keep your finger on the pulse of your org
With a variety of brands, numerous products within each brand, and countless orders being shipped to different places, it can be incredibly difficult to track everything your company does. Capacity can keep you updated on it all.

Connect to mission critical apps
With Capacity, you or your dev team can connect to each and every one of your apps. Your teams will enjoy instant access to any type of knowledge they need to excel in their work, no matter where it lives.

Stop searching, start asking.
Your job is hard enough, and you work hard enough. Why not make finding what you need to do your job easy?

Don't worry about where knowledge lives
Was that data in your cloud drive? Or was it in that email thread? Or the CRM? At large organizations, it’s next to impossible to keep track of where knowledge lives. With Capacity, you don’t need to. Just ask.

Get the right answer, or the right person
If Capacity doesn’t already know the answer to a question, it will find out who does. Our Expert Finder leverages AI and ML to pinpoint exactly who knows what in your org, pick their brains, and store their expertise for later use.